
JKI Revival Fire City

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Revival Firecity is a church located in Cipanas, Puncak – Bogor, West Java. JKI Revival Firecity is led by Senior Shepherd Pastor  Joshua Gunawan and inaugurated on April 5, 2015 on the basis of longing and encouragement and initiation that God gave. This church breathes worship praise, is moved apostolic-prophetically, and is based on a strong revelation. A church that raises up fathers and sons and produces mentors, and builds up Christ’s disciples. So that from generation to generation they are won and become revivalists who are used with great power. JKI Revival Firecity is a church with five ministries, Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist.

Program Revival Fire City

Komunitas Doa REPA (Revival Extreme Prayer Army)

It is a prayer community consisting of God’s soldiers from various interdenominational churches, and pray every hour for God’s church, city, Indonesia and also nations. Currently there are soldiers of God who have joined from various cities from Sabang to Merauke, are committed to fulfill the prayer cup for Indonesia, and become a watchman of the city.

“Isaiah 62:6 On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have placed spies. All day and all night they will never be silent. You who must remind the Lord of Zion, do not remain silent”


Program 3 in 1 Prayer

It is a prayer program from 06.00-17.00 for 5 minutes, every hour to speak in tongues, declaration of God’s Word, prayer, giving thanks, praising and worshiping God. The goal is to awaken, burn and build up the spirit man of God’s warrior, so that his spirit will always be on guard at all times.

“2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but even though our outer man is degenerating, our inner man is being renewed day by day.”


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Merahkan Dunia

An end time movement involving all believers from all interdominion who are ready to be trained and equipped to join become A SOUL REAPER to carry out the mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ,

“Are You Ready To Become An Unusual End-Time Reaper?”
If you are the person.. please come join us in Redden The World to redden the world with the blood of Jesus!



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A prayer group formed by Revival Fire City, Rev. Yesaya Gunawan and led by Mr. John Mathias and his wife, Mrs. Merijanti Sudiono for the Jakarta area. 

Glory And Grace Kingdom’s vision and mission are to reach 14,000 people in Jakarta and its surroundings, build cell communities in several cities, and raise a generation of revivalists. 

Glory and Grace Kingdom consist of three generations, including mandarin-speaking ministry groups, business groups, orphans and poor people, who work hand in hand to carry out every mission according to God’s seasons and times with Revival Fire City Church. 

Glory and Grace Kingdom continue to produce young generations, and people who long to serve, with impartiality, leadership training, business and service (starting from witnessing, leading praise, sharing God’s Word). 

Harapan kami yaitu bisa terus sederap, selangkah terus bergerak bersama Roh Kudus dalam pelayanan dan perjalanan misi, bakti sosial, memperluas Kerajaan Allah di muka bumi. 


  • Raise the God’s army and heroes of faith to bring revival to the end of the world.
  • Membangkitkan benih-benih rajawali, singa, dan benih supranatural untuk dilatih berdasarkan firman Tuhan


  • Do the one on one service in counseling, deliverance, healing, and others. So they will back to the first love in Christ.
  • Membawa injil ke rumah-rumah, mall-mall, dan setiap jalan untuk menjangkau yang tidak ternjangkau dan menyentuh yang tidak tersentuh
  • Raise the warriors of end-time in seven mountains, especially in government, business, media, and art entertainment.


Tentang Kami

Hero Land Ministry was formed and established in 2015, by JKI Revival Fire City, led by Mr. Moses Agus Nugroho and Mrs. Yael Elsa Antaprima, in the form of a housewife prayer fellowship at Cibubur. Hero Land minsitry covers West Java area, included Cibubur, Tangerang, Bogor area.

Mr. Agus Moses Nugroho and Mrs. Yael Elsa are blessed with two children, Jehoshapat Raynaldo Theodorean and Obed Edom Josia Arlen

Visi kami yaitu mencetak jendral-jendral Tuhan dan pahlawan-pahlawan iman untuk membawa kegerakan api revival sampai ke ujung bumi,dan membangkitkan benih-benih rajawali, singa dan benih supranatural utk diasah berlandaskan Firman Tuhan 

Misi kami adalah melakukan pelayanan "one on one" secara personal dalam bidang konseling, pelepasan, doa bagi yg sakit, terikat kuasa gelap, sehingga mereka kembali ke cinta mula-mula kepada Kristus 

Membawa injil kerajaan ke rumah-rumah, ke mal-mal, jalan-jalan untuk menjangkau yg tidak terjangkau dan menyentuh yang tidak tersentuh. Membangkitkan warrior-warrior akhir jaman di 7 gunung,terutama gunung pemerintahan, bisnis, media, art Entertainment Awaken the end-time warriors in the seven mountains especially the mountains of government, business, media, entertainment arts 


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Persekutuan Doa Sword and Crown adalah komunitas doa yang dipimpin oleh Dokter Pieter Yanto Sinaga, untuk para penuai akhir zaman yang berada di gunugn sosial, membangkitkan para dokter atau tenaga kerja kesehatan dengan kuasa dan mujizat Tuhan. Juga menjangkau jiwa-jiwa yang membutuhkan mujizat yang tidak lazim dengan kuasa nama Yesus 

Pelayanan Sword and Crown telah membangun persekutuan calon dokter secara periodik, memuridkan calon dokter untuk mengerti kuasa supranatural Tuhan Yesus, dan mempersiapkan dokter yang bersiap dalam menangani kasus - kasus yang tidak bisa diobati atau tidak bisa disembuhkan untuk menggunakan kuasa kesembuhan dari Tuhan Yesus 

Apa yang telah kami lakukan dalam persekutuan yaitu mengadakan ibadah persekutuan doa 2 bulan sekali, kegiatan retreat 1x setahun, membuka grup untuk sharing Firman Tuhan, membangun karunia-karunia setiap anggotanya dan melakukan kegiatan bakti sosial bersama-sama Revival Fire City dan sesama anggota Sword and Crown Ministry. 



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Zebulon Of Fire City Hongkong Ministry is led by Ms. Tova Sherlene Lim, this ministry is about to activate revival movements in Hong Kong. We pray that Hong Kong will encounter Jesus through prophetic and apostolic movements. And we will raise all the Zebulun tribes to conquer the business mountain and bless the revival movements across seven mountains.


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