
Family Stick Together

As For Me And My Household We Will Serve The Lord

A church that raises up the Fathers and Sons and creates mentors and builds up Christ’s disciples. So that from generation to generation they are won and become revivalists who are used with great power.

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Our History

Revival Firecity is a church located in Cipanas, Puncak, and led by Senior Pastor  Joshua Gunawan and inaugurated on April 5, 2015 on the basis of longing and encouragement and initiation that God gave. This church breathes worship praise, is moved apostolic-prophetically, and is based on a strong revelation.

A church that raises up the Fathers and Sons, and creates mentors and builds up Christ’s disciples from generation to generation, become revivalists who are used with great power of Christ.

Firecity Family

More About Us

JKI Revival Firecity is a church with five fold ministries, apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, evangelist. Revival Firecity is like an aircraft carrier that prepares warplanes with troops ready to be deployed to conquer seven mountains for God. Revival Firecity can be described as a mother of eagles that giving birth to God’s eagles.

Our desire to bring revival as well as an explosion of praise worship to cities and nations. Our faith is that every extended family of JKI Revival Firecity and all their connections can live in abundance, getting richer and enriching many souls so that God’s word “no poor among us” (Deuteronomy 15:4) can be fulfilled.

About Our Leaders

Ps. Joshua Gunawan

Pastor Joshua Gunawan is a Shepherd who has the heart of the Father and a desire to convey what is the longing of the Father’s heart for the lost and unreached. God uses Pastor Joshua Gunawan with the gift of healing, to engage in the ministry of inner healing as well as shepherding. God also uses His love and tenderness to restore the souls around him.

Ps. Joshua and his wife, Ps. Rebecca, are the Senior Pastors of JKI Revival Firecity Church, a five fold ministry church that is engaged in prophetic gifts. The church is now serving in different cities in Indonesia including Jakarta, Lampung, Kudus, Bandung, Surabaya as well as globally in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand and Russia.

Ps Joshua and Ps Rebecca are blessed with three sons – Jupiter E Saputra, Rev Yesaya Gunawan and David Gracia.

Ps. Rebeca Gunawan

Pastor Rebecca Gunawan is the wife of Pastor Joshua Gunawan. Ps Rebecca Gunawan was called into ministry in 1995 and co-founded JKI Revival Firecity Church with her husband in 2015. Ps Rebecca longs for generations and has built the first Christian school, Harapan Kasih Bangsa School in Cipanas in 2010.

Ps Rebecca is a passionate and spirit-filled woman. She develops and trains believers to become the army of Christ to bring the revival fire to all cities and nations. Ps Rebecca is a gifted leader, engaging in various services including prophecies, deliverance, dream interpretation and spiritual warfare.


Ps. Jupiter E Saputra & Ps. Lidya

Pastor Jupiter E Saputra and his wife, Pastor Lidya S Pilongo are the youth pastors in JKI Revival Firecity. They were called to serve the young generation and long to bring the young generation to know and experience the love of the Lord Jesus, as well as nurturing them to have Christ-like characters and to be examples or witnesses of Christ wherever they are (1 Timothy 4:12).

Graduated from Harvest International Theological Seminary with a major in Church Music, currently Ps Jupiter and Ps Lidya also serve in the worship team of JKI Revival Firecity.

Ps Jupiter and Ps Lidya are blessed with a child, Jupiter Dave Junior Gunawan.

Rev. Yesaya Gunawan

Rev. Yesaya Gunawan was born on May 26, 1993, in the city of Bogor. He was called by God to serve in the political field,  community and organizations

God put in Rev. Yesaya Gunawan’s heart a ministry where not only the gospel of salvation but also the gospel of the kingdom was released, so he believed that God’s movement must start outside the walls of the church and touch the untouched and reach the unreachable. Therefore, through Revival Company and Zebulon Connection, Rev. Yesaya Gunawan began to encompass professionals, politicians, students and other circles so that they can hear the voice of the future and they can reach the purpose of life that God has given them.

He always has a heart for the next generation, he always says “Stop to think Globally and Start to think generationally”, so that as long as Rev. Yesaya Gunawan serves he always prepares generations to be ready to take the baton from generation to generation. predecessor. And God entrusted him with a new revelation for how we can honor our previous generations, so that the blessings of generations will continue until the Lord Jesus comes.

With God’s grace starting from house-to-house ministry, serving and sowing with tears, today God has brought Rev. Yesaya Gunawan from one village to another, from one city to another and from one nation to another. He always said that during his life Yesaya Gunawan would never be a Servant of the Great God, he would only always be a Servant of the Great God.

Since 2019 he has experienced discipline from God and at this time he is still in the process, he asked to be prayed for, so that he can go through this process with God. After this process, let he will be able to bring the echo of the future and the touch of grace to those who are forgotten by the world but remembered by Heaven.

David Gracia Putra Gunawan

Get involved in services, especially supporting Youth services with Ps. Youth Jupiter Gunawan.

And David Gracia Gunawan is learning to serve and be faithful in small things to be entrusted with big things.

dr. Yanto Hasintongan Sinaga SpOG

Born in Jakarta, completed a specialist and practices as an obstetrician.

At this time it was brought by God to practice the gift of healing on the sick and also the restoration of souls who need the love of the Lord Jesus. Mentoring several young doctors and young generations to understand the supernatural world and hope that there will be more children of God who used by God with healing power.

Rara Siahaan

Rara Siahaan, as General Secretary, was entrusted, called and chosen to serve God since 2003, from his youth, God’s grace was always with him, Graduated as a Bachelor of Agriculture from IPB in 2011 and then served in the social field as a Junior High School Teacher at Harapan Kasih Bangsa School since 2013 until now.

Serving on the spiritual mountain, the media mountain and the education mountain. Engage in the Gift of Prophetic  in the fields of Teaching, Spiritual Warfare and Worship.

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